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The Ladies of Croydon (TLC) evolved following the closure of the Borough of Croydon Ladies' Bowling Association (BCLBA).

A number of bowlers got together and started to look to the future to devise a new series of ladies' bowls competitions to continue in the friendly but competitive spirit of BCLBA - and to provide a bridge between club and county competitions.

The founding rules and format of competitions were discussed and agreed by representatives from Croydon, Old Coulsdon and Shirley Park.  The inaugural season - 2019 - was enthusiastically received and it was clear that TLC was a popular idea filling the BCLBA 'void'.  To date 16 Clubs in S London/Surrey have participated or given their support!

Unfortunately 2020 saw no competition.  In 2021 TLC picked up where it left off and saw a lot of play.   


An annual Presentation Lunch is held in September.

Gill Long

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